Bike mechanic Riley Knudson talks about how the virus has affected his work, his social life, and how he (gingerly) approaches conversations about hanging out with friends in the era of Covid-19. This interview took place on Saturday, March 28, a day when the U.S. topped 2,000 deaths from more than 117,000 confirmed cases of Coronavirus according to CNN — having become the country with the most cases worldwide the day before.
The Coronavirus Tapes, Session IV: Marcos Allen
Marcos Allen came home from Florida on his college spring break and now his life, and the world, have changed. “I have to say, the germaphobes were right the whole time.” Recorded on March 26, 2020, a day when the United States had just reached its 1000th death and the world had almost 385,000 active cases.
The Coronavirus Tapes, Session III: Eddie and Rebecca
Eddie (not pictured) and Rebecca discuss the Coronavirus on March 24, 2020 — a day when the world had more than 450,000 confirmed cases and the U.S. had approximately 49,500. I interviewed them with my daughter who was celebrating her sixth birthday. After the tape stopped rolling, Rebecca told me she was homeless and was nervous about getting the virus in a shelter.
The Coronavirus tapes, Session II: The teacher
The second installment of the Coronavirus Tapes. Teacher Aaron Kaio of Madison, Wisconsin one week into school closures and looking ahead at what happens next.
The Coronavirus tapes, Session I March 21, 2020
Part of a new series of interviews and conversations on the Coronavirus pandemic and its fallout. March 21 was recorded in a backyard happy hour with distance (almost always) kept between participants.
Today’s question: “Should Wisconsin — and the nation — be on a total lockdown, rather than the piecemeal and optional self-isolation we’re currently experiencing?”